
Set against the scenic backdrop of Gisborne, New Zealand, the Rhythm & Vines music festival stands as a dynamic celebration of music, culture, and the unparalleled beauty of the East Coast. As one of the first places in the world to welcome the new year, this festival has become an iconic destination for global revelers seeking an unforgettable start to the year. The diverse lineup features an array of genres, from indie and electronic to hip-hop, showcasing both local talent and international sensations across multiple stages. Beyond the music, festival-goers can immerse themselves in a range of experiences, including art installations, local food and wine tastings, and wellness activities, all set against the stunning vineyard landscapes. With its unique position on the global calendar and a commitment to providing an immersive and unforgettable experience, Rhythm & Vines has become a symbol of New Zealand’s vibrant cultural scene, drawing music enthusiasts and party-goers alike to the shores of Gisborne year after year.

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